So You Wanna Run Down the Man?

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Roosterfish(pez gallo) in my opinion, are by far one the hardest fighting and elusive fish that can be pursued with a fly rod. Most of you by now have seen some type of video where anglers are cruising down the beach in a side-by-side or quad,...

The Masters of Hyperbole

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"ARE THERE JUST A BUNCH OF LIARS AMONG US?" Hyperbole (hahy-pur-buh-lee) noun - An obvious or intentional exaggeration. An extravagant statement or figure of speech not meant to be taken literally, as in "to wait an eternity." Christmas or Thanksgiving, when I was a child, were about...

Pick Up Your Fly Line and Recast Quietly: Video

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The ability to pick your fly line up off the water quietly can be the difference between success and failure. In freshwater or salt making a loud pickup to recast can spook fish you might have otherwise caught. Of course we would all like to catch...

Fish With Benefits

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I was asked the other day what was my favorite species of fish. That's a really tough question for me. Sort of a Sophie's choice question. After thinking about it for a long time I answered trout, for a host of reasons, but I quickly added,...

The Right-Handed Strip Set

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I've talked before about the importance of the strip set in saltwater fly fishing. I think every angler who's tried their hand in the salt knows that you aren't going to catch a fish without mastering this simple technique. Simple as it may be, reprogramming...