Lowcountry Winter Redfish

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By Owen Plair What makes the winter fishing for redfish so special? There are not many fisheries that have a winter time season, due to migratory fish, cold temps, snow, and ice. One of the many great things about the Lowcountry is that it is a year...

Is Your Steelhead Fly fishing Or Just Swinging?

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By Louis Cahill IS YOUR FLY FISHING FOR THE ENTIRE SWING? Many anglers who successfully swing flies for steelhead could be catching even more fish by improving their swing. Steelheading is all about taking advantage of every opportunity and it's pretty common for anglers to waste as...

Regarding The River

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WHAT CAN I TELL YOU ABOUT HER? THE ONE THAT I LOVE. The one with whom I have left my heart. Dark and lovely. Moody and sullen, she gives little away. Sometimes capricious, never predictable, she keeps me in wonder, in awe. She keeps me for...

Farm Waters

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By Ethan Smith If we want clean water we need to pay farmers to clean it up. What? Yes, let’s pay farmers a premium over the current farm subsidy program to help keep our rivers clean! That sounds crazy right? Well it isn’t, let me explain. The farm...

Technical tips from Southern NZ

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By Chris Dore Whilst I enjoy chasing big fish in the backcountry here in New Zealand, there isn't actually much to it: Find a fish. Put your fly in front of him, and strike. It's the smaller, hatch-driven streams that offer the challenge for me, the technical...