Improve Your Stance for Casting Accuracy

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A good fly cast starts with your feet. Why is that golfers talk so much about stance? All of the energy you apply with your hands starts with your feet planted firmly on the ground. It makes perfect sense that your stance would effect your cast. Personally,...

Organizing Your Bonefish Fly Box Makes For A Better Day Of Fishing

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OPTION PARALYSIS EATS UP VALUABLE FISHING TIME. I've found myself, more than once, staring into my fly box as if I'd wandered to the refrigerator in the middle of the night, with no idea why I was there. That's fine, unless you're surrounded by feeding bonefish...

Confessions of a Fish Counter

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I'm really excited to share a chapter from from Tosh Brown's new book "Top of the Flood, halfway through a fly fishing life"! I received and advance copy and I can't say enough about how much I like it. Here's my quote from the book...

How I Almost Owned A Trout Stream

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By Jon Tobey NOW THAT THEY ARE SELLING IT, I CAN FINALLY TELL THE STORY OF WILLIAMSTOWN GULF. When my dad was in high school, he and his 3 best friends bought a trout stream. I know it sounds like something out of Trout Fishing in America,...

There’s No Such Thing As A Bad Perm

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YOU KNOW WHAT THEY SAY. THERE ARE NO SMALL PERMS. Just perms, and big perms. Happy perms and happy clouds. If you can't catch perms, you can always drink. Here's Bob Ross to teach you how! The Bob Ross Drinking Game...