Tag Archives: fly casting
Snap Your Wrist For Line Speed
Today Bruce is going to get a little closer to that fly rod and talk about the roll your wrist plays in fly casting. Watch closely. Bruce has great mussel memory from thousands of hours of casting. Watch the subtlety of his wrist movement. The snap...
It’s All In The Wrist
If you're confused about how to use your wrist for a better fly cast, you're not alone. Plenty of anglers have been told not to use their wrist when they cast. The truth is, you cant make a good cast without using your wrist. It’s all...
How’s your double haul?
Whether in saltwater or fresh, most experienced casters employ the double haul. It's possibly the best technique for creating line speed and generally energizing your line during the cast. It's also a great way to create casting problems when done incorrectly. One of the fundamentals of the...
Fly-Fishing: The Stop
By Louis Cahill There is nothing more important about a fly cast than how it ends. There are a lot of moving parts in a fly cast. Plenty of things have to be done right for everything to go perfectly. That being said, you can get away...
Get A Better Grip On The Spey Rod
ALL FLY CASTING IS ABOUT CONTROL AND TIMING, NOT POWER. This is never more true than in Spey casting. Perhaps because there are more moving parts to a Spey cast, rod and line control are crucial. This is especially challenging for the beginner whose muscle memory...