Getting A Grip On Fly Casting: Video

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By Louis Cahill

No one grip is right for every fly casting situation.

In general, there isn’t enough said about grip in fly casting. I spent the first half of my life with a poor casting grip. I finally ran into a gentleman who helped me find a grip that worked for me but for years after that I never thought any more about it. When I started fishing in saltwater that trusty old grip failed me once again.

I got help again and straightened out my cast but it wasn’t until I met Tim Rajeff, and he explained to me how different grips work with different casting strokes, that I fully understood the mechanics of the casting grip. I now have technique and the knowledge about how and when to use it.

It’s made a huge difference in my casting, especially my accuracy. I also have much less trouble with casters elbow. It turned out I was causing myself a lot of pain by combining the wrong grip and casting stroke. It’s been so great for me, I asked Tim to share this quick tip in a video. It helped me become a better caster and I know it will help you.

Watch the video and get a grip on your fly casting!


Louis Cahill
Gink & Gasoline
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4 thoughts on “Getting A Grip On Fly Casting: Video

  1. Great info that makes perfect sense. Next natural question in my mind relates to the location of your hand (fore & aft) on the handle, especially a Wells grip. Typically the handle is long enough to allow you to choke up or down. Would be interested in hearing thoughts on the effect on that respect.

    • That’s a great question. Although I don’t find myself adjusting the “choke” as often, it does make a difference. I move my hand forward with a thumb on top grip for shorter more accurate casts. When I’m looking for distance and power, I jam it back against the reel. That gives you more of the butt section (where the power is) to work with.

  2. another as-always great video from Tim, thanks Louis !

    as for MrFlish’s interesting question, i’ll slide my hand up, down or in between depending on the the type of cast for both balance or casting distance or for different presentation layouts.
    curiously, and from experience with all types of casters, grip points vary greatly and seem to be a ‘It just feels right’ type of thing rather than one of intent or purpose.
    also curiously and contrary to Louis’ style, i’ll back my hand down towards the reel for shorter casts and casts with effects and bring it back up for full line casts. we’re all different ! 😀
    as a side note, observing competition distance casters shows most of them will grip higher up than towards the reel even if a longer ‘potential rod’ will be achieved with a lower grip. i’ve been trying to figure that one out for years with no concrete result but a guess is it’s easier to move a shorter lever precisely with a higher degree of regularity than longer one.
    interesting stuff indeed.

  3. I’m bound to the thumb on top grip for life, broke too many fingers and thumb to be able to comfortably use the extended finger grip! Every time I try it, the pain after a few minutes is way too tough to work through, I may suffer a little in casting, but for comfort, the thumb on top is my only choice. Nice information though and most casters won’t have my problems.

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