Fishing Fast

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By Owen Plair There are a lot of situations where fishing fast is the difference in getting an eat or the fish not seeing your fly. Either because the fish is very close to the boat, or moving at an angle where you only get one...

Trust Your Guide

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Trust your guide they say. Always trust your guide. There is no more trustworthy bunch than the guides at Bair’s Lodge on Andros Island in the Bahamas. Why you wouldn’t trust them is beyond me. What is not to trust? In a real sense, in...

Lowcountry Meets The Louisiana Marsh  

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By Owen Plair I could see this monster redfish laid up, just waiting for a fly. As a full-time redfish guide in South Carolina, over the years it has been kind of hard for me to justify spending money to travel and fish the Louisiana marsh for...

Cuda Up in My Grill

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JUST SO EVERYONE KNOWS I'M SUPER PROUD OF MY NEW SLIM AND TRIM STATUS. Louis has been on me a while now to drop some serious LB's. I've really been stacking them on from my wife's fantastic cooking. He says there's a reason he doesn't take...

Do Bonefish Eat Popcorn?

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I LOVE POPCORN CLOUDS. PUFFY, BILLOWING WHITE MARSHMALLOWS FLOATING ACROSS THE SKY. Like huge mounds of cotton candy picking up the green, blue and gold of the flats. Nothing says, "it's going to be a beautiful day" like popcorn clouds. Who doesn't love them, well, bonefish...